Ransburg, Rcs-2 user manual - operation – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual

Page 37

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Alarm Tolerance Time

This parameter is in seconds and can be any value

from 0.000 to 20.000 seconds. This parameter al-

lows users to program how long an error condition

can persist before the unit issues a fault for that

gun. Users are warned against programming this

value too small as nuisance faults may become

a problem. A value of 3.000 seconds has been

found to be a good value for most applications.

Solvent Pulses Per Liter

This parameter can be any integer value for 1 to

100,000 pulses per liter.

This value is used by totalization software to track

the amount of flush solvent used by the gun


Horn Code

This allows the user to enable or disable the horn

(on top of the control console) for various errors

and faults. There are 6 possible settings for this


a. Disabled - the horn will not sound for any


faults or errors.

b. SSD - the horn sounds only if a Spray

ShutDown for that gun occurs.

c. AE - the horn sounds if Any Error occurs on

that gun, even if they are not programmed to

cause a spray shutdown.

d. PLT - the horn sounds if the Pot-Life Timer


e. SSD+PLT - the horn sounds if either a spray

shutdown occurs or a pot-life timer expires for

that gun

f. AE+PLT - the horn sounds if any gun errors

occur or if the pot-life timer expires.

Default Job Number

This parameter can be any integer from 1 to 199.

It indicates which job number an operator wants

to automatically load into the gun upon power up

of the system.

Mixed Volume

The range of allowable volumes for this param-

eter is from 1 cc to 5000 cc. This volume is the

amount of material in the fluid lines between the

mix-block and the applicator or applicators. It

is used by the pot-life timer to keep track of the

age of the mixed material. If the material in the

applicator (the ma-terial that has been mixed the

longest) exceeds the programmed pot-life of the

material, a flush request is issued by the RCS-2

for that gun.

Tolerance Percentage

Allowable value for this parameter is any integer

form 1% to 100%.

This parameter indicates how far off from the

target flow rate any channel is allowed to be or

how far off from the target ratio the actual ratio

is allowed to be before a fault is issued by the

RCS-2 controller.

Tolerance Volume

Allowable volumes for this parameter are from

0 cc to 255 cc's.

This parameter indicates how often the software

verifies that the actual ratio being expelled from

the fluid panel is within the programmed tolerance

limit of the target ratio. Every time this volume of

material passes out of the mix tube, the controller

calculates the actual ratio based on the actual

volume of resin and the actual volume of catalyst

that was contained in that sample. It then compares

that ratio to the target ratio and checks to see if

the actual ratio is within the tolerance limit of the

target ratio. If not, a Ratio Out of Tolerance Fault

is issued by the controller.

If a 0 (zero) is entered for the tolerance volume

prarameter, ratio is automatically checked every

10 milliseconds. This check,however, is based

on flow rate data, not volume data.

RCS-2 User Manual - Operation


