Ransburg, Analog inputs – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual
Page 24

This output is energized anytime a fault condition
is recognized by the software. Even if the fault
is disabled (turned off) on the Configured Alarms
screen, this output will be energized as long as
the condition persists. Fluid flow will not be halted
when this output is energized unless it is con-fig-
ured to do so on the Configured Alarms screen.
This output is energized if the gun is configured
properly, a good job number has been loaded,
and the gun has been placed in run mode. This
output goes off if a fault occurs.
Spray Shutdown
This output is energized if a fault condition exists
and the specific fault that exists is enabled on
the Configured Alarms screen (turned on). This
indicates that the flow of fluid from the fluid panel
has been stopped as the result of a detected fault
Flush Request
This output is energized when the pot-life timer
has expired from the mixed material. (For more
information, see "Mixed Volume and Pot-Life
Timer" in the "Operation" section.)
Motor On
This output is energized by the software when it
wants to control the motor. It is connected to the
input of the motor amplifier that causes the motor
to be controlled. Do not connect external devices
to this terminal.
Motor Amp Reset
This output is energized by the software when it
is necessary to reset a faulted motor amplifier.
Typically, by pushing the Clear Faults button on
the front panel or by pulsing the Halt/Reset digital
input, this output will be energized momentarily
to reset the amplifier. Do not connect external
devices to this terminal.
Analog inputs are jumper selectable to be 0 to 10
VDC or 4-20 mA with the exception of the hardener
flow sensor which is fixed at 4-20 mA.
Hardener Flow
Type of Input: Channel
Type of Signal: Fixed at 4-20 mA
Factory Setting: Not applicable
This is a 4-20 mA input that is normally connect-
ed to the output of a thermal shedding type flow
sensor placed in the catalyst fluid stream. Since
the feedback from the motor tachometer can only
indicate that the motor is turning and not that fluid
is actually flowing, this optional sensor is added to
prevent spraying fluid without any catalyst.
Flow Rate
Type of input: Gun
Type of signal: Jumper Selectable
Factory Setting: 0-10 VDC
This input is used if it is desired to have the ability to
vary the flow rate as the unit is spraying. Minimum
and maximum flow rates are programmed and an
external device (robot, PLC, potentiometer, etc.)
controls the actual flow rate by varying the input
between 0 and 10 volts or 4 and 20 milliamps.
(See "Minimum Flow and Maximum Flow in the
"Operation" section.)
Feather Pressure
Type of Input: Gun
Type of Signal: Jumper Selectable
Factory Setting: 4-20 mA
This input allows an optional pressure sensor to
be placed near the spraygun. Handgun operators
can use this to program a set feather pressure
at the inlet of the spraygun and the RCS-2 will
maintain that pressure while spraying.
RCS-2 User Manual - Installation