Ransburg – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual
Page 34

Setting Up A New System
Notice the function buttons at the bottom of the
screen. Users setting up a new system should,
typically, start configuring the system with the F1
function button and work progressively to the right,
one function button at a time.
F1: Config System
Overpressure Limit
This is the pressure limit of the entire system. If
any pressure sensor in the system reaches or
exceeds this pressure, a system overpressure
fault is issued by the software and the pumps
configured for that gun are halted. This fault
cannot be disabled.
Foldback Pressure
When the outbound pressure of the pump ex-
ceeds this setting, the software starts a gradual
slowdown of the pumps (while keeping the ratio
at its proper setpoint). This prevents nuisance
overpressure faults when fluid pressures spike
during load sequences, etc. It is expressed in
pounds per square inch (psi).
Sensor Limit
This is the maximum pressure that the pressure
sensors in the system can detect. It is expressed
in pounds per square inch (psi).
When the RCS-2 is started up, users are presented
with the main user interface screen. An example
is shown below:
Anywhere from 0 to 8 guns may be displayed
when the system first starts up, depending on how
the system was last used.
The following information is available on the Main
• Which channels are configured to which
• Currently running job number for the gun
• The next (queued) job for the gun
• The mode that the gun is configured for
• The current status for the gun (Running,
halted, faulted, etc.)
• Status of the trigger input
• Target flow rate for the gun
• Actual flow rate for the gun
• Actual flow rate of the master channel
• Actual flow rate of the slave channel
• Requested ratio for the gun (if 2 channel
• Actual ratio for the gun (if 2 channel gun)
• Volume remaining in pressure pot (or pots,
if 2 channel)
• Which, if any, forces are active
RCS-2 User Manual - Operation