Ransburg – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual
Page 39

Maximum Inlet Fluid Pressure
The allowable range of values for this parameter
is any integer from 0 psi to 200 psi.
This parameter allows the operator to limit the
maximum pressure at the inlet to the pump for this
channel. If too much pressure is allowed at the inlet
of the pump, fluid may "blow by" the pump without
being metered, thus causing inaccurate flow rates
or ratios. Exceeding this setpoint will cause the
controller to generate an Inlet Overpressure Fault.
This check is only active in Run Mode.
Minimum Inlet Fluid Pressure
The allowable range of values for this parameter
is any integer from 0 psi to 200 psi.
This parameter allows the operator to limit the
minimum pressure at the inlet to the pump for this
channel. If too little pressure is allowed at the
inlet of the pump, the pump will "cavitate" or have
to pull fluid into it, which could seriously effect its
accuracy, thus causing inaccurate flow rates or
ratios. Falling below this setpoint will cause the
controller to generate an Inlet Underpressure Fault.
This check is only active in Run Mode.
Minimum Pump Speed
The allowable range of values for this parameter
is any integer from 0 RPM to 65,535 RPM.
This is the minimum speed at which that the system
will allow the pump to run. If the commanded flow
rate or ratio would result in a pump running below
this setpoint, the pump (or pumps) assigned to
that gun will not run. Gear pumps do not typically
function accurately at speeds less than 3 RPM and
this is the recommend-ed setting for this parameter.
Trigger On Delay
The allowable range of values for this parameter
is from 0.000 seconds to 5.000 seconds.
This indicates how long after receiving a trigger
signal the controller will wait before it actually starts
running the pump(s) for that gun. This allows the
operator to compensate for pneumatic delays
inherent with some applicators.
Trigger Off Delay
The allowable range of values for this parameter
is from 0.000 seconds to 5.000 seconds.
This indicates how long to run the pump(s) after
the trigger signal has been removed. This allows
the operator to compensate for pneumatic delays
inherent with some applicators.
Pump Size
The allowable range of values for this parameter
is from 0.000 to 10.000 cc/rev.
This is the volume of material that the pump being
used on this channel allows to pass with each
complete revolution of its gears.
Pump Pulses Per Liter
The allowable range of values for this parameter
is any integer from 1,000 to 1,000,000 pulses/liter.
This is the number of pulses received by the
channel card from the sensing device (motor
amplifier, flowmeter, etc.) for each liter of material
that passes through the channel.
Maximum Pump Speed
The allowable range of values for this parameter
is any integer from 1 RPM to 65,535 RPM.
This is the maximum allowable speed at which
that the pump can be run. It is assumed by the
con-troller that this will be the speed that the pump
will run at when a 10 volt DC signal is sent to the
motor amplifier. The recommended setting for
this parameter is 150 RPM.
If the RCS-2 controller determines that
either pump must run below this limit to
obtain the desired flow rate or ratio, the
controller will stop both motors and a Mo-
torTach Loss fault may be generated.
RCS-2 User Manual - Operation