Ransburg, No. of channels, Mode – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual

Page 36: F2: config gun, Rcs-2 user manual - operation

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- This setting is used when the user

wishes only to control the ratio of the material.

Users can "demand" as much material as they wish

and the controller will deliver as much as possible

while keeping the ratio on target. (A maximum

flow rate can be programmed.)

No. of Channels

This parameter has 3 possible settings: 0, 1, or 2.

0 - This effectively disables the gun

1 - This indicates that the gun is to be a single

channel, flow control only gun.

2 - This indicates that the gun is to be a dual

channel, ratio controlled gun.


This parameter has three possible settings: OFF,




This setting completely disables the gun,

removes its data from the main screen, and places

the channels tied to this gun available for use by

another gun.


- This setting is used when the user wishes

to control the flow rate of the applicator. If this is

to be a 2 channel gun, it also controls the ratio of

the two materials.

Master Channel

This parameter has 8 possible settings: 1-8. For

single channel guns, it simply indicates which

channel will be controlling the pump for this gun.

For dual channel guns it indicates (normally) which

channel will be controlling resin pump.

Slave Channel

This parameter has 4 possible settings: 2, 4, 6, or

8. It indicates which channel will be slave to the

master channel (selected above) for ratio control.

Number of Applicators

The range of allowable values for this parameter

is any integer from 1 to 4.

This parameter indicates how many applicators

will be connected to the fluid panel controlled by

this gun. It is used by the multiple trigger input

capabilities of the RCS-2 to multiply the target

flow rate by the number of triggers being input.

For example: if the target flow rate is 100 cc/min

and 1 gun is triggered, the RCS-2 will deliver 100

cc/min to the outlet of the fluid panel, if 3 trigger

inputs are energized, the RCS-2 will deliver 300

cc/min to the outlet of the fluid panel.

F9: Read in File - This button allows operators

to load the system parameters from any media.

They are stored in a file named


F10: Save to File - This button allows operators

to save the parameters on this screen to any

writeable media. They are stored in a file named


F2: Config Gun

When F2 is selected from the main screen, the

operator will be prompted to select the gun num-

ber they wish to create or modify the parameters

for. Once a gun number is selected, the following

screen will appear.

RCS-2 User Manual - Operation


