Installation, Ransburg, System guidelines – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual

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Customized Prints

Drawings and information contained in this section

of the manual is applicable to most installations.

However, in many cases, will supply custom

installation drawings for your specific site. It is

highly recommended that if your installation differs

significantly from the installation drawings supplied

by, you notify your representative to ensure that

standard installation practices are not violated and

to have your prints updated to reflect the installation

accurately for future reference.

Cable Assemblies

Interconnections between all control panels and

the fluid panels are made using custom manufac-

tured cable assemblies with military style connec-

tors. This simplifies installation and eliminates the

possibility of items being wired incorrectly. The

one exception to this is the discrete interface I/O

wiring. These connections will vary greatly from

installation to installation. This can involve well

over 100 connections per control console and,

therefore, require that conduit be run to the control

console and multiple cables or wires pulled from

the control console to the controlling medium

(PLC, robot, etc.).

Equipment Grounding

All panels should be grounded in accordance with

either the National Electrical Code or local electri-

cal codes (whichever is more stringent). Refer to

the electrical installation drawings provided by to

locate the grounding terminal for all control panels.

Equipment Locations

All of the panels must be located outside of the

hazardous area with the exception of the intrinsi-

cally safe version of the Remote Operator’s Panel

(and in some cases the fluid panel). If in doubt,

refer to local codes and ordinances, or contact

your representative for clarification.

There are four basic panels used in the RCS-2


• Main Control Console

• Motor Amplifier Panel

• Fluid Panel

• Remote Operator’s Panel

The motor amplifier panels must be placed within

100-feet of the control console, the fluid panels

must be placed within 10-feet of their respective

motor amplifier panel, and the remote operator’s

panel must be placed within 25-feet of its respective

motor amplifier panel. If longer distances than

this are necessary, contact your representative.

Fluid Regulators

It is highly recommended that a pilot operated

fluid regulator (similar to the DR-1 regulator) be

used on the inlet of all of the gear pumps. The

accuracy of the pumps depends to a high degree

on controlling the differential pressure across the

pump. The system includes pressure transducers

in the motor amplifier panels to pilot these fluid

regulators. In this way, the software has full con-

trol of fluid inlet pressure of the pumps and can,

therefore, control the differential pressure across

each pump. By using this feature, the extremely

accurate flow rates and ratios can be maintained,

without the need to calibrate the pumps.

Intrinsic Safety

The motor amplifier panels can be ordered with

optional zener barriers that make the fluid panels

and the remote operator panels intrinsically safe

for operation inside hazardous areas. An optional

explosion-proof catalyst flow sensor and motors

are also available. They must be hard-piped if

used in hazardous areas.

RCS-2 User Manual - Installation


