Ocean Optics S2000 User Manual
Page 97
Access the Time Acquisition
Configuration dialog box by selecting
Time Acquisition | Configure |
Configure Acquisition from the menu.
Enable Stream Data to Disk to save
time acquisition data.
Enter a value in the Write Data to
Disk Every X Acquisitions box to set
the frequency for saving data. The
smaller this number, the more
frequently data is saved. The larger
this number, the less frequently data is
saved; but entering a large number
enhances the performance of the time
acquisition process.
At specified time intervals, data from
OOIBase32 is stored into time acquisition
channels or combination channels. This
data can be simply plotted in a spectral window, or streamed to disk, or both. Up to 2048 acquisitions can be
displayed in a spectral window. If more than 2048 acquisitions are gathered, only the last 2048 of them will be
displayed. To store more than 2048 acquisitions, you must stream the data to disk. Writing data to the disk is a
slow process (relative to the speed of some spectral acquisitions) and causes a decrease in system performance.
However, writing data to disk more frequently gives a larger margin of safety.
Enable Show Values in Status Bar to see the time acquisition values in the status bar. These values replace
the cursor values.
Name the Stream Filename for the time acquisition process. Clicking on the ellipsis to the right of this box
opens a file save dialog box allowing you to navigate to a designated folder.
Enable Save Every Acquisition to store data for every spectral acquisition during a time acquisition process.
There are options to either store data for each acquisition, or to collect data only after a specified delay. Several
factors affect the minimum time acquisition frequency, including integration time, number of spectrometer
channels, samples averaged, and computer speed. If you specify that you want data to be stored every 100
milliseconds, it is guaranteed that the delay will be at least 100 milliseconds, but could be much longer depending
on your experimental configuration. OOIBase32 spends a large amount of time calculating, rendering and
displaying the spectra in a spectral window. You have the option to suspend graph display, which greatly improves
Enable Continue Until Manually Stopped to store data until you manually stop the acquisition process by
clicking on the stop icon or selecting Time Acquisition | Stop.
Enter an Initial Delay to set the delay before the time acquisition process begins. However, the delay
countdown cannot begin until you initiate the time acquisition process by clicking on the start icon or
selecting Time Acquisition | Start from the menu. Be sure to select Hours, Minutes, Seconds or
Milliseconds immediately to the right of the initial delay entry.
Enter a value to set the Frequency of the data collected in a time acquisition process. Data from a time
acquisition is stamped with a time that is accurate to 1 millisecond. Be sure to select Hours, Minutes,
Seconds or Milliseconds immediately to the right of the frequency entry.
Enter a value to set the Duration for the entire time acquisition process. Be sure to select Hours, Minutes,
Seconds or Milliseconds to the right of the duration entry.
Click the OK button for the Time Acquisition Configuration dialog box.
Initiate the Time Acquisition mode by either clicking on the alarm clock icon in the Time Acquisition toolbar or
selecting Time Acquisition | Activate Time Acquisition from the OOIBase32 menu. You can then start a time
acquisition process by selecting the start icon or by selecting Time Acquisition | Start from the menu.
Experiment Tutorial: Time Acquisition
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