QTECH QSW-3400 Инструкция по настройке User Manual
Page 86

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ULDP does not compact with similar protocols of other vendors, which means users
can not use ULDP on one end and use other similar protocols on the other end.
ULDP function is disabled by default. After globally enabling ULDP function, the debug
switch can be enabled simultaneously to check the debug information. There are
several DEBUG commands provided to print debug information, such as information of
events, state machine, errors and messages. Different types of message information
can also be printed according to different parameters.
The Recovery timer is disabled by default and will only be enabled when the users
have configured recovery time (30-86400 seconds).
Reset command and reset mechanism can only reset the ports automatically shut
down by ULDP. The ports shut down manually by users or by other modules w
on’t be
reset by ULDP.