Chapter 45 radius configuration, 1 introduction to radius, 1 aaa and radius introduction – QTECH QSW-3400 Инструкция по настройке User Manual

Page 354: 2 message structure for radius, Ntroduction to, Radius

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Chapter 45 RADIUS Configuration

45.1 Introduction to RADIUS

45.1.1 AAA and RADIUS Introduction

AAA is short for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting, it provide a consistency

framework for the network management safely. According to the three functions of

Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, the framework can meet the access control for the

security network: which one can visit the network device, which access-level the user can have

and the accounting for the network resource.

RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial in User Service), is a kind of distributed and client/server

protocol for information exchange. The RADIUS client is usually used on network appliance to

implement AAA in cooperation with 802.1x protocol. The RADIUS server maintains the

database for AAA, and communicates with the RADIUS client through RADIUS protocol. The

RADIUS protocol is the most common used protocol in the AAA framework.

45.1.2 Message structure for RADIUS

The RADIUS protocol uses UDP to deliver protocol packets. The packet format is shown as


Message structure for RADIUS

Code field(1octets): is the type of the RADIUS packet. Available value for the Code field is

show as below:

1 Access-Request

2 Access-Accept