2 dcscm, 1 introduction to dcscm, 2 dcscm configuration task list – QTECH QSW-3400 Инструкция по настройке User Manual
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2. Data repository, finance application (stock) etc
Any data distribution application of “one point to multiple points”
In the situation of more and more multimedia operations in IP network, Multicast has
tremendous market potential and Multicast operation will be generalized and popularized.
36.2 DCSCM
36.2.1 Introduction to DCSCM
DCSCM (Destination control and source control multicast) technology mainly includes three
aspects, i.e. Multicast Packet Source Controllable, Multicast User Controllable and Service-
Oriented Priority Strategy Multicast.
The Multicast Packet Source Controllable technology of Security Controllable Multicast
technology is mainly processed in the following manners:
1. On the edge switch, if source under-control multicast is configured, then only multicast data
from specified group of specified source can pass.
2. For RP switch in the core of PIM-SM, for REGISTER information out of specified source
and specified group, REGISTER_STOP is transmitted directly and table entry is not
allowed to set up. (This task is implemented in PIM-SM model).
The implement of Multicast User Controllable technology of Security Controllable Multicast
technology is based on the control over IGMP report message sent out by the user, thus the
model being controlled is IGMP snooping and IGMPmodel, of which the control logic includes
the following three, i.e. to take control based on VLAN+MAC address transmitting packets, to
take control based on IP address of transmitting packets and to take control based on the port
where messages enter, in which IGMP snooping can use the above three methods to take
control simultaneously, while since IGMP model is located at layer 3, it only takes control over
the IP address transmitting packets.
The Service-Oriented Priority Strategy Multicast of Security Controllable technology adopts the
following mode: for multicast data in limit range, set the priority specified by the user at the
join-in end so that data can be sent in a higher priority on TRUNK port, consequently
guarantee the transmission is processed in user-specified priority in the entire network.
36.2.2 DCSCM Configuration Task List
1. Source Control Configuration
2. Destination Control Configuration
3. Multicast Strategy Configuration
1. Source Control Configuration