QTECH QSW-3400 Инструкция по настройке User Manual
Page 410

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Москва, Новозаводская ул., 18, стр. 1
the master port and the slave port of ULPP group. When both master port and slave port are
up, the slave port will be set as standby state and will not forward the data packets. When the
master port is down, the slave port will be set as forwarding state and switch to the uplink.
SwitchB and SwitchC can enable the command that receives the flush packets, it is used to
associate with ULPP protocol running of SwitchA to switch the uplink immediately and reduce
the switch delay.
When configuring ULPP protocol of SwitchA, first, create a ULPP group and configure the
protection VLAN of this group as vlan10, then configure interface Ethernet 1/1 as the master
port, interface Ethernet 1/2 as the slave port, the control VLAN as 10. SwitchB and SwitchC
configure the flush packets that receive ULPP.
SwitchA configuration task list:
Switch(Config)#vlan 10
Switch(Config-vlan10)#switchport interface ethernet 1/1; 1/2
Switch(Config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
Switch(Config-Mstp-Region)#instance 1 vlan 10
Switch(Config)#ulpp group 1
Switch(ulpp-group-1)#protect vlan-reference-instance 1
Switch(ulpp-group-1)#control vlan 10
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/1)# ulpp group 1 master
Switch(Config)#interface Ethernet 1/2
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/2)# ulpp group 1 slave
SwitchB configuration task list:
Switch(Config)#vlan 10
Switch(Config-vlan10)#switchport interface ethernet 1/1
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/1)# ulpp flush enable mac
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/1)# ulpp flush enable arp
Switch(config-If-Ethernet1/1)# ulpp control vlan 10
SwitchC configuration task list: