3 pppoe intermediate agent vendor tag frame – QTECH QSW-3400 Инструкция по настройке User Manual
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Москва, Новозаводская ул., 18, стр. 1
used to match the sending and reveiving end (Because broadcast network may
exist many PPPoE data packets synchronously).
AC-Cookies. It is used to avoid the vicious DOS attack.
The identifier of vendor.
Relay session ID. PPPoE data packet can be interrupted to other AC, this field is
used to keep other connection.
The error of service name. When the requested service name is not accepted by
other end, the response packet will take this tag.
The error of server name.
Common error.
TAG value type of PPPoE PPPoE Intermediate Agent vendor tag Frame
The following is the format of tag added by PPPoE IA, adding tag is the Uppermost function of
PPPoE IA - vendor tag (4 bytes in each row)
Add TLV tag as 0x0105 for PPPoE IA, TAG_LENGTH is length field of vendor tag;
0x00000DE9 is “ADSL Forum” IANA entry of the fixed 4 bytes; 0x01 is type field of Agent
Circuit ID, length is length field and Agent Circuit ID value field; 0x02 is type field of Agent
Remot ID, length is length field and Agent Remote ID value field.
PPPoE IA supplies a default circuit ID value, the default circuit ID (The figure in the following)
includes 5 fields, ANI (Access Node Identifier) can be configured by user, its length is less than
47 bytes. If there is no ANI configured, MAC is accessed by default, occupy 6 bytes and use