Chapter 67 dying gasp configuration, 1 introduction to dying gasp, 2 dying gasp typical examples – QTECH QSW-3400 Инструкция по настройке User Manual

Page 460: 3 dying gasp troubleshooting, Ntroduction to dying gasp, Dying gasp, Ypical, Xamples, Roubleshooting

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Chapter 67 dying gasp Configuration

67.1 Introduction to dying gasp

dying gasp is power failure alarm function. It means that at the case of power failure, the

switch can also send information through the ethernet ports to notice the other switch that it is

power failure.

dying gasp is enabled as default, but it could run normally with the snmp management function.

So the layer 3 interface should be configured on switch and make it connect to snmp

management server. snmp trap should be configured orderly.

67.2 dying gasp Typical Examples

The dying gasp function of the switch is enabled as default, but it could run normally with the

snmp management function.

Below is the configuration steps:
Switch(config)#snmp-server enable
Switch(config)#snmp-server securityip X.X.X.X
Switch(config)#snmp-server host X.X.X.X v2c switch
Switch(config)#snmp-server enable traps
Switch(config)#interface vlan N
Switch(config-if-vlanN)ip address Y.Y.Y.Y

67.3 dying gasp Troubleshooting

If there is something wrong when configuring dying gasp function, please check out if it is

because of the following reasons:

Make sure the layer 3 interface has been configured and connected to snmp server.

Make sure the address of snmp server. More than one snmp server address can be

configured on switch, but dying gasp trap packets will be sent to the first configured

server when it is power failure.