QTECH QSW-3400 Инструкция по настройке User Manual
Page 57

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Москва, Новозаводская ул., 18, стр. 1
Switch(config)#ftp-server enable
Switch(config)# username Admin password 0 superuser
Computer side configuration:
Login to the switch with any FTP client software, with the username “Switch” and password
“superuser”, use the command “get nos.img 12_25_nos.img” to download “nos.img” file from
the switch to the computer.
Scenario 3: The switch is used as TFTP server. The switch operates as the TFTP server and
connects from one of its ports to a computer, which is a
TFTP client. Transfer the “nos.img” file
in the switch to the computer.
The configuration procedures of the switch are listed below:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#no shut
Switch(config)#tftp-server enable
Computer side configuration:
Login to the switch with any TFTP client software, use the “tftp” command to download
“nos.img” file from the switch to the computer.
Scenario 4: Switch acts as FTP client to view file list on the FTP server. Synchronization
conditions: The switch connects to a computer by an Ethernet port, the computer is a FTP
server with an IP address of; the switch acts as a FTP client, and the IP address of
the switch management VLAN1 interface is
FTP Configuration:
PC side:
Start the FTP server software on the PC and set the username “Switch”, and the password
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(Config-if-Vlan1)#no shut
Switch#copy ftp: //Switch: [email protected]
220 Serv-U FTP-Server v2.5 build 6 for WinSock ready...
331 User name okay, need password.