Playlist functions on the vga, Vga playlist screen – EVS XSense Version 11.02 - July 2013 Operating Manual User Manual

Page 80

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While the playlist is rolling, the next clip in the sequence is always displayed on the PRV
screen. The Skip function allows the operator to discard clips before they go on-air. The
clip that will be «skipped» is the one displayed on the PRV screen. This function does not
remove the clip from the playlist, but it simply allows it to be skipped during playback.


Selecting the Edit function gets the user back to the Playlist Edit mode.


Playlist Functions on the VGA


VGA Playlist Screen


Pressing F10 on the keyboard calls the VGA Playlist screen. The Playlist screen displays
information on the clips included in the current or loaded playlist. Several transport
functions are available from this screen. "Clip Functions on the VGA" on page 40 for more


5. Playlist Management

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A.

Issue 11.02.A July 2013