RAD Data comm IPmux-1 User Manual
Page 132

Appendix E Parameters and Screens
IPmux-1/1E Installation and Operation Manual
E-34 Performance
To reset counters:
Type R.
Table E-23. LAN Statistics
Statistics Values
MAC Address
Hard Coded
Port local MAC address
Half duplex, Full duplex
Port mode is set by either the default mode or via auto
negotiation results
10Mbps, 100Mbps
Port rate is set by either the default mode or via auto
negotiation results
Not connected, Connected
Not connected: Link loss
Connected: Normal operation
Frames received from the user
Correct frames
Total number of correct frames received
Correct Octets
Total number of correct octets received
Alignment Errors
Counter of frames received that are not an integral
number of octets in length (RFC 1643)
FCS Error
Counter of frames received that do not pass the FCS
check (RFC 1643)
Frames transmitted to the network
Correct Frames
Total number of frames successfully transmitted
Correct Octets
Total number of octets successfully transmitted
Single Collision
Valid only in half duplex mode
(RFC 1643)
Counter of successfully transmitted frames for which
transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision
Multiple Collision
Valid only in half duplex mode
(RFC 1643)
Counter of successfully transmitted frames for which
transmission is inhibited by more than one collision
Valid only in half duplex mode
(RFC 1643)
Counter of frames for which the first transmission
attempt is delayed because the medium is busy
Late Collision
Valid only in half duplex mode
(RFC 1643)
Number of times that a collision is detected on a
particular interface later than 512 bit-times into the
transmission of a packet
Carrier Sense Error Valid only in half duplex mode
(RFC 1643)
Number of times that the carrier sense condition was
lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a
Order from: Cutter Networks