Roland G-70 User Manual
Page 234

Appendix | MFX and IFX types and parameters
G-70 Music Workstation
● Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Volume bal-
ance between the direct (D) and the effect sound (W).
27. OD‰ Chorus
This effect connects an Overdrive and a Chorus in series.
(“Series” means that the output signal of the first effect is
also processed by the second).
● Overdrive Drive (0~127)—Degree of distortion. Also
changes the volume.
● Overdrive Panpot (L64~0~63R)—Stereo location of the
overdrive sound.
● Chorus Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay
between the incoming direct signal and the moment when
the chorus starts working.
● Chorus Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Frequency, i.e. modulation
● Chorus Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity.
● Chorus Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Vol-
ume balance between the direct sound (D) and the chorus
sound (W).
28. OD‰ Flanger
This effect connects an Overdrive and a Flanger in series.
● Overdrive Drive (0~127)—Degree of distortion. Also
● Overdrive Panpot (L64~0~63R)—Stereo location of the
● Flanger Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay time
from when the direct sound begins until the flanger sound
is heard.
● Flanger Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Frequency, i.e. modulation
● Flanger Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity.
● Flanger Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the propor-
● Flanger Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Vol-
ume balance between the direct sound (D) and the flanger
sound (W).
29. OD‰ Delay
This effect connects an overdrive and a delay in series.
● Overdrive Drive (0~127)—Degree of distortion. Also
● Overdrive Panpot (L64~0~63R)—Stereo location of the
● Delay Time (0.0~500.0ms)—Adjusts the time until the
● Delay Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the amount of
the delay sound that’s fed back into the effect. Negative (–)
settings invert the phase.
● Delay HF Damp (200~8000Hz, Bypass)—Adjusts the fre-
● Delay Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Adjusts
the volume balance between the sound that is sent
through the delay (W) and the sound that is not sent
through the delay (D).
30. DST‰ Chorus
This effect connects distortion and a chorus in series.
● Distortion Drive (0~127)—Degree of distortion. Also
● Distortion Panpot (L64~0~63R)—Stereo location of the
distortion sound.
● Chorus Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay
between the incoming direct signal and the moment when
the chorus starts working.
● Chorus Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Frequency, i.e. modulation
● Chorus Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity.
● Chorus Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Vol-
ume balance between the direct sound (D) and the chorus
sound (W).
31. DST‰ Flanger
This effect connects distortion and a flanger effect in series.
● Distortion Drive (0~127)—Degree of distortion. Also
● Distortion Panpot (L64~0~63R)—Stereo location of the
● Flanger Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay time
from when the direct sound begins until the flanger sound
is heard.
● Flanger Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Frequency, i.e. modulation
● Flanger Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity.
● Flanger Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the propor-
● Flanger Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Vol-
ume balance between the direct sound (D) and the flanger
sound (W).
32. DST‰ Delay
This effect connects distortion and a delay effect in series.
● Distortion Drive (0~127)—Degree of distortion. Also
● Distortion Panpot (L64~0~63R)—Stereo location of the
● Delay Time (0.0~500.0ms)—Adjusts the time until the
● Delay Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the amount of
the delay sound that’s fed back into the effect. Negative (–)
settings invert the phase.
● Delay HF Damp (200~8000Hz, Bypass)—Adjusts the fre-
● Delay Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Adjusts
33. EH‰ Chorus
This effect connects an enhancer and a chorus in series.
● Enhancer Sens (0~127)—Sensitivity of the enhancer.
● Enhancer Mix Level (0~127)—Level of the overtones gen-
erated by the enhancer.