Midi system parameters – Roland G-70 User Manual
Page 217

Editing MIDI parameters
G-70 Music Workstation
■CHANNEL (1~16)
Allows you to assign a MIDI receive channel to the selected
part. The default settings usually work best, but you are
most welcome to change them.
Note: Unless you have a very good reason to do otherwise, we
suggest using the same TX and RX channel numbers for a part.
Note: Assigning the same channel to two or more parts is usu-
ally not a very good idea.
■SHIFT (–48~48)
This parameter allows you to transpose the received note
messages before sending them to the G-70’s tone genera-
tor. This allows you to change the pitch of the received
MIDI note messages if you are used to playing a song (that
is being received via MIDI) in another key. The maximum
possible transposition is four octaves up (48) and down
(–48). Each step represents a semi-tone.
“LIMIT HIGH” and “LIMIT LOW” allow you to set the note
range to be received. If not all note messages received on a
given MIDI channel should be played by the selected G-70
part, set the range to the desired values.
Note: The LOW LIMIT value cannot be higher value than HIGH
LIMIT (and vice versa).
The data filters of the RX section allow you to specify
whether (ON) or note (OFF) the messages in question
should be received.
Press the [RX¥EVENT¥FILTER] field to open the fol-
lowing pop-up window:
The RX filters are the same as the TX filters. See
page 216 for details.
Press the [Back] field and save your MIDI settings to
a Set; –or–
Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.
MIDI System parameters
The following MIDI parameters usually apply to the
G-70 as a whole, even though some of them are rather
specific, as you will notice.
Press the [SYSTEM] field and use the PAGE [ø][˚] fields
to select the page that contains the parameter you
want to edit.
The SYNC parameters allow you to specify whether or
not the G-70 should send MIDI real-time messages
when you start the Arranger or Recorder/sequencer.
This allows you to synchronize external instruments
or (software) sequencers with your G-70.
Just as a reminder: “TX” means “transmit” and “RX”
stands for “receive”.
● START/STOP—If you activate this option, the G-70 sends
start or stop messages when you start (or stop) Arranger
(STYLE) or song (SONG) playback. (The Recorder also
transmits “Continue” messages.)
● CLOCK—This option means that the Arranger (STYLE) or
Recorder/sequencer sends MIDI Clock messages that tell
the receiving instrument or MIDI device which tempo to
● SONG POSITION (only for SONG)—If you switch this
parameter on, the Recorder/sequencer sends Song Posi-
tion Pointer (SPP) messages that signal the current play-
back position.
Note: See your sequencer’s, etc., manual to find out
whether it accepts Song Position Pointer messages.
The SYNC RX parameters allow you to specify
whether and how the Arranger (STYLE) and/or
Recorder/sequencer should be synchronized to exter-
nal sequencers or drum machines. The available
options are:
● Auto—This is a good setting for remote control of song
or Style playback (using a PK-5A dynamic MIDI pedal
board, for example). If the G-70 receives a MIDI Start
message (FA), it waits for Clock messages that specify
the tempo. If those Clock messages are not received (a
PK-5A, for instance, doesn’t send them), the G-70 starts
playback using its internal tempo. If, however, Clock
messages (F8) follow after the Start message, the G-70
uses the external tempo. You can nevertheless go on
using the Recorder/sequencer or Arranger without MIDI
Start/Clock messages, which is not possible when you
select “MIDI”.
SYNC parameters