Roland G-70 User Manual

Page 163

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Editing 16-track songs

G-70 Music Workstation




Allows you to select the data to be erased:

FROM NOTE (0 C-~127 G9)

This parameter is only displayed if DATA TYPE (see above) is
set to “Note”. It allows you to set the note (or lower limit of
the note range) to be modified within the specified FROM/
TO time range. This note can also be selected by pressing
the corresponding key after selecting the FROM NOTE field.

TO NOTE (0 C-~127 G9)

This parameter allows you to set the upper limit of the note
range to be modified within the specified FROM/TO time
range. This note can also be selected by pressing the corre-
sponding key after selecting the TO NOTE field.
It is not displayed when you select EQUAL, UNEQUAL,
HIGHER or LOWER. See also “Fine-tuning the setting

FROM CC (0~127)

This parameter is only displayed if DATA TYPE (see above) is
set to something else than “Note”. It allows you to set the
lower limit of the control change numbers or values to be
modified within the specified FROM/TO time range. This
note can also be selected by pressing the corresponding key
after selecting the FROM NOTE field.

TO CC (0~127)

This parameter allows you to set the upper limit of the of
the control change numbers or values to be modified
within the specified FROM/TO time range.
It is not displayed when you select EQUAL, UNEQUAL,
HIGHER or LOWER. See also “Fine-tuning the note range”
on p. 162.

Fine-tuning the setting range

Before setting “FROM NOTE” (and possibly “TO NOTE”), or
“FROM CC” (and possibly “TO CC”), it might be a good idea
to decide how you want to use the note indications.
Depending on the option you choose, “TO NOTE” or “TO CC”
may not even be available, so that setting it beforehand
would be a waste of time.


Press this field to confirm your settings and edit the data.


All parameters listed below.


Only note messages.

P.Bender Pitch Bend data.


Control change messages.

Prog. C

Program change messages.


Non-registered-parameter-number parameters.
These are parameter control functions of the GS/
GM2 format that are easier to use than SysEx
messages (but basically have the same function).


Registered-parameter-number parameters. They
work like NRPN messages, except that they are
only understood by GM and GM2-compatible
sound modules.


Channel Aftertouch messages. If you don’t really
need them, these messages should definitely be
erased, because they use a lot of memory.


Only the selected note or value will change.
(The note/value can be set using the TO NOTE/
TO CC field.)

[UNEQUAL] All notes or values except the one you select

will change. (The note/value can be set using
the TO NOTE/TO CC field.)


Only notes or values above the selected one
will change. (The note/value can be set using
the THAN NOTE/THAN CC field.)


Only notes or values below the selected one
will change. (The note/value can be set using
the THAN CC field.)


Only the notes or values between FROM NOTE/
FROM CC and TO NOTE/TO CC will change.

[OUTSIDE] Only the notes or values above FROM NOTE/

FROM CC and below TO NOTE/TO CC will