Roland G-70 User Manual

Page 231

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Appendix | MFX and IFX types and parameters

G-70 Music Workstation



Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Volume bal-

ance between the direct (D) and the effect sound (W).

● Level (0~127)—Output level.

14. Space-D
This is a multiple chorus that applies two-phase modulation
in stereo. It gives no impression of modulation, but produces
a transparent chorus effect.
● Chorus Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay

between the incoming direct signal and the moment when
the chorus starts working.

Chorus Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Frequency, i.e. modulation


Chorus Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity.
● Chorus Phase (0~180deg)—Spatial spread of the sound.
EQ Low Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the low range.
● EQ High Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the high range.
Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Volume bal-

ance between the direct (D) and the effect sound (W).

● Level (0~127)—Output level.

15. St. Chorus
This is a stereo chorus. A filter is provided so that you can
adjust the timbre of the chorus sound.
● Filter Type (OFF, LPF, HPF)—Type of filter. OFF: no filter is

used. LPF:

cuts the frequency range above the Cutoff value.

HPF: cuts the frequency range below the Cutoff value.

● Cutoff Frequency (200~8000Hz)—Basic frequency of the


● Chorus Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay

between the incoming direct signal and the moment when
the chorus starts working.

● Chorus Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Frequency, i.e. modulation


● Chorus Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity.
Chorus Phase (0~180 deg)—Spatial spread of the sound.
EQ Low Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the low range.
● EQ High Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the high range.
Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Volume bal-

ance between the direct (D) and the effect sound (W).

● Level (0~127)—Output level.

16. St. Flanger
This is a stereo flanger. It produces a metallic resonance that
rises and falls like a jet airplane taking off or landing.
● Filter Type (OFF, LPF, HPF)—Type of filter. OFF: no filter is

used. LPF: cuts the frequency range above the Cutoff value.
HPF: cuts the frequency range below the Cutoff value.

● Cutoff Frequency (200~8000Hz)—Basic frequency of the


● Flanger Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay time

from when the direct sound begins until the flanger sound
is heard.

● Flanger Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Frequency, i.e. modulation


Flanger Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity.
● Flanger Phase (0~180 deg)—Spatial spread of the sound.
● Flanger Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the propor-

tion of the flanger sound that is fed back into the effect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase.

EQ Low Gain (-15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the low range.
● EQ High Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the high range.

● Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Volume bal-

ance between the direct (D) and the effect sound (W).

● Level (0~127)—Output level.

17. Step Flanger
A Step Flanger is a flanger effect with clearly noticeable steps
rather than continuous pitch changes.
● Flanger Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay time

from when the direct sound begins until the flanger sound
is heard.

● Flanger Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Frequency, i.e. modulation


● Flanger Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity.
● Flanger Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the propor-

tion of the flanger sound that is fed back into the effect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase.

● Step Rate (0.10~20.0Hz, note)—Rate (period) of pitch


Flanger Phase (0~180deg)—Spatial spread of the sound.
● EQ Low Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the low range.
● EQ High Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the high range.
● Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Volume bal-

ance between the direct (D) and the effect sound (W).

● Level (0~127)—Output level.

18. St. Delay
Delay is an effect that allows you repeat the input signal, thus
creating echoes (repetition).
● Delay FBK Mode (Normal, Cross)—Select the way in which

delay sound is fed back into the effect. NORMAL: The left
delay sound will be fed back into the left delay, and the
right delay sound into the right delay. CROSS: The left
delay sound will be fed back into the right delay, and the
right delay sound into the light delay.

● Delay Left (0.0~500.0ms)—Adjust the time from the direct

sound until when the left delay sound is heard.

● Delay Right (0.0~500.0ms)—Adjust the time from the

direct sound until when the right delay sound is heard.

● FBK Phase Left (Normal, Invert)—Select the phase of the

left delay sound. NORMAL: Phase is not changed. INVERT:
Phase is inverted.

● FBK Phase Right (Normal, Invert)—Select the phase of the

left delay sound. NORMAL: Phase is not changed. INVERT:
Phase is inverted.

● Delay Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the amount of

the delay sound that’s fed back into the effect. Negative (–)
settings invert the phase.

● Delay HF Damp (200~8000Hz, Bypass)—Adjusts the fre-

quency above which sound fed back to the effect is filtered
out. If you don’t want to filter out any high frequencies, set
this parameter to BYPASS.

● EQ Low Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the low range.
● EQ High Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the high range.
● Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Volume bal-

ance between the direct (D) and the effect sound (W).

● Level (0~127)—Output level.

19. Mod. Delay
This effect adds modulation to the delayed sound, producing
an effect similar to a Flanger.