Roland G-70 User Manual

Page 168

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Using the 16-track sequencer



G-70 Music Workstation

This function allows you to modify the duration of
the notes in the selected time (FROM/TO) and note
(FROM/TO NOTE) ranges. We recommend you only
use this function to shorten notes that suddenly
seem too long when you assign a different sound to
the track in question. You cannot view the duration
of the notes here, which makes editing the data “en
bloc” a little bit hazardous. Use the MICRO EDIT
page to change the duration of individual notes.

After selecting a sound with a slow release (i.e. a
sound that lingers on after all notes have been
released), however, CHANGE GATE TIME will help you
cut the notes down to size and thus avoid undesir-
able overlaps.

TRACK (ALL, 1~16)

Allows you to select the track you wish to edit. You can
also select “ALL” here, in which case the operation applies
to all tracks.


BAR (1~[last measure of the track or song])—Refers to

the first measure to be edited. By default, the FROM
value is set to the beginning of the selected track(s).

BEAT (1~[number of beats per bar])—Specifies the

beat position. The number of selectable beats depends
on the time signature in the selected area.

CPT (1~119)—Refers to the starting CPT position. “CPT”

is short for “Clock Pulse Time”, the smallest unit used by
the G-70. (There are 120 CPTs to every beat of a 4/4 bar.)
Change this setting only if your edit operation should
start after the selected beat.


By default, the TO position is set to the last event of the
selected track (or the last event of the longest track when
you select “ALL”).
BAR (1~[last measure of the track or song])—This is

where you specify the bar position of the last measure to
be edited.

BEAT (1~[number of beats per bar])—Specifies the

beat position. The number of selectable beats depends
on the time signature in the selected area.

CPT (1~119)—Refers to the last clock that should be

affected by the edit operation. Change this setting only
if your edit operation should not end exactly on the
selected beat.

BIAS (CPT) (–4800~4800)

This parameter sets the amount by which the duration (or
gate time) of the selected notes is to change. The shortest
possible GATE TIME value is “1” (used for all drum notes), so
that selecting “–1000” for notes with a GATE TIME value of
“1” in the specified time range still leaves you with the
same value.

MAGNIFY (0~200%)

Use this parameter rather than BIAS to produce propor-
tional changes to the affected GATE TIME values.
Values below “100%” decrease the duration, while any-
thing above “100%” increases it. Select “100%” if you pre-
fer to work with the BIAS (CPT) parameter (see above).


Press this field to confirm your settings and edit the data.

Use this parameter to combine the data of two tracks
(i.e. of all data the two tracks contain – from start to
finish). The combined version can be found on the
destination track (DST). After executing this function,
you could use DELETE to remove all data from the
“SRC” track.

SRC TRACK (1~16)

Allows you to select the track whose data should be added
to those of the DST track.

DST TRACK (1~16, except the track selected as


Use this parameter to specify the track that should contain
a combination of its original data and those of the selected
source track.


Press this field to confirm your settings and edit the data.