Effects for songs and styles, Linking multi-fx type selection to the upper part, Upper 1 m-fx link) – Roland G-70 User Manual

Page 101

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Effects for songs and Styles

G-70 Music Workstation



If the required parameter is not displayed, press the
PAGE fields to jump to another page, then press the
appropriate display. (Some effects have only one
parameter page.)

(6) Set the desired value with the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial or

the [DEC]/[INC] buttons.

[REVERB¥SEND] and [CHORUS¥SEND] (upper right cor-
ner) allow you to specify how strongly the multi-
effect’s output signal should be processed by the
Reverb and/or Chorus processor. If you feel that is
unnecessary, set both parameters to “0”.

(7) Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.

Linking Multi-FX type selection to the Upper part
(Upper 1 M-FX Link)

If you like, the G-70 can automatically load the
Multi-FX type that is suited for the Tone you assign to
the UP1 part.

(1) Press the [MENU] button.

The display changes to:

(2) Press the [UTILITY], then the [GLOBAL] field.

(3) Press the [UPPER¥1≈M-FX¥LINK] field to switch it on

(if the G-70 should choose a suitable MFX type for
each Tone you assign to the UP1 part) or off (if you
do not want the MFX to change automatically.

(4) Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.

Effects for songs and Styles

The Arranger and Recorder/16-track Sequencer share
the same effects processors, which is not problem,
because Style playback is impossible while a song is
running, and vice versa.

When you start playback of a song or Music Style, the
Recorder or Arranger sends SysEx data to the two pro-
cessors, thus reconfiguring within a split second.

Here is how to select different effects for the selected
song or Music Style:

(1) Press the [EFFECTS] button.

The effects to look out for are in the STYLE/SONG

On this page, you can switch the REVERB and/or
CHORUS processor off by pressing the [OFF/ON] but-
ton icon to the right of its “display”.

If you only need to select another effect type, press
the REVERB or CHORUS display and use the
[DATA÷ENTRY] dial or the [DEC]/[INC] buttons to select
it. If you also need to change certain aspects of that

(2) Press the [EDIT] button icon next to the STYLE/


The effects settings discussed below are primarily
intended for real-time changes to a Music Style or
song. They are note saved – nor are they saved to a
User Program. When you select a different Music
Style or song (either directly, or via a User Program),
the changes made here are lost. You can, however,
save them (thus “burning” them into the Style or
song) by pressing the [MAKEUP¥TOOLS] button and
the [SAVE] field on the page that appears then (see
p. 130).


Important remark