Chapter 7 advanced application topics – National Instruments BridgeVIEW User Manual
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© National Instruments Corporation
How Do You Change the Y Axis? ....................................................... 6-12
How Do You Change the Plot Colors and Style in the Trend? ............ 6-13
How Do You Zoom In on the Trend?................................................... 6-13
How Do You Export Data to a Spreadsheet? ....................................... 6-13
How Do You Get Online Help for the HTV?....................................... 6-13
How Do You Set Tag, Time, and Color Preferences?.......................... 6-13
How Do You View New Data Automatically After
It Has Been Logged to Citadel?......................................................... 6-14
How Do You Incorporate the HTV into Your HMI Application? ....... 6-14
How Do You Use the Panel G Wizard? ................................................. 7-2
How Do You Configure Security with the Panel G Wizard?................. 7-3
How Do You Configure When a Button Will Be Polled?...................... 7-3
How Do You Control Panel Size? .......................................................... 7-6
How Do You Control Panel Visibility?.................................................. 7-7
How Do You Start or Stop the BridgeVIEW Engine
from Your Application?....................................................................... 7-8
How Do You Start or Stop Historical Logging from
How Do You Start or Stop Event Logging
from Your Application?....................................................................... 7-8
How Do You Start or Stop Event Printing
from Your Application?....................................................................... 7-8
Tag Attributes VIs ............................................................................................................... 7-9
BridgeVIEW Security ....................................................................................................... 7-13
How Do You Log In and Out? ............................................................. 7-15
How Do You Find Your Access Level? ............................................... 7-15
How Do You Find Your Environment Privileges? .............................. 7-15
How Do You Change Your Password? ................................................ 7-16
How Do You Check a User’s Privileges?............................................. 7-16
How Do You Prompt the Operator to Log In
to Your Application? ......................................................................... 7-16