National Instruments USB device 628x User Manual
User guide

NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM
M Series USB-6221/6225/6229/6251/6255/6259/6281/6289 OEM Devices
This document provides dimensions, pinouts, and information
about the connectors, switch, LEDs, and chassis ground of the National
Instruments USB-6221 OEM, USB-6225 OEM, USB-6229 OEM,
USB-6251 OEM, USB-6255 OEM, USB-6259 OEM, USB-6281 OEM,
and USB-6289 OEM devices. It also explains how to modify the USB
device name in Microsoft Windows.
There are no product safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), or
CE marking compliance claims made for the USB-622x/625x/628x OEM devices.
Conformity to any and all compliance requirements rests with the end product supplier.
(USB-628x Devices)
Exercise caution when placing USB-628x OEM devices inside
an enclosure. Auxiliary cooling may be necessary to keep the device under the maximum
ambient temperature rating of 45 °C, as specified in the NI 628x Specifications.
Figure 1 shows the USB-6221/6251/6281 OEM and
USB-6225/6229/6255/6259/6289 OEM devices.
Figure 1. USB-622x/625x/628x OEM Devices
Document Outline
- NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User Guide
- Figure 1. USB-622x/625x/628x OEM Devices
- Dimensions
- I/O Connector Pinouts
- Attaching External LEDs
- Power Switch
- Connecting the USB-622x/625x/628x OEM Device to Your Chassis
- Replacing Fuses
- Device Components
- Modifying the USB Device Name in Microsoft Windows