National Instruments cFP-RTD-124 User Manual
Fp-rtd-124, And c, Features

October 2002
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FieldPoint Operating Instructions
Eight-Channel Four-Wire RTD
and Resistance Input Modules
These operating instructions describe how to install and use the
National Instruments FP-RTD-124 and cFP-RTD-124 three-wire
RTD and resistance input modules (referred to inclusively as the
[c]FP-RTD-124). For details on configuring and accessing the
[c]FP-RTD-124 over a network, refer to the user manual for the
FieldPoint network module you are using.
The [c]FP-RTD-124 is a FieldPoint RTD and resistance input
module with the following features:
Inputs for 100
Ω platinum RTDs (resistance temperature
Built-in linearization for six TCR (temperature coefficient of
resistance, or alpha) values of RTDs
Direct resistance measurements with a 400
Ω range
Four-wire measurement for high accuracy
16-bit resolution
Filtering against 50 and 60 Hz noise
2,300 V
transient overvoltage protection
–40 to 70 °C operation
Hot plug-and-play
Document Outline
- FP-RTD-124 and cFP-RTD-124 Operating Instructions
- Features
- Installing the FP-RTD-124
- Installing the cFP-RTD-124
- Wiring the [c]FP-RTD-124
- Taking RTD Measurements withthe[c]FP-RTD-124
- Measuring Resistance
- Converting Resistance Measurements toTemperature Measurements
- Effects of Lead Resistance
- Status Indicators
- Isolation and Safety Guidelines
- Specifications
- Where to Go for Support