National Instruments BridgeVIEW User Manual

Page 438

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© National Instruments Corporation


BridgeVIEW User Manual

Boolean switches

changing mechanical action

(activity), 11-8

possible choices for mechanical

action, 11-7

Latch Until Released, 11-8
Latch When Pressed, 11-8
Latch When Released, 11-8
Switch Until Released, 11-8
Switch When Pressed, 11-7
Switch When Released, 11-7

Breakpoint tool, 2-4

architecture, 1-8
features, 1-1
getting started, 1-10
installation, 1-2
overview, 1-3
purpose and use, 1-3
required system configuration, 1-2
system control

System VIs, 7-7
VI Server Functions, 7-5

BridgeVIEW client, 3-6
BridgeVIEW Configuration file, 3-4

edting, 3-4

BridgeVIEW Engine

description, 1-9
increasing throughput using

deadband, 3-24

overview, 1-3
parameter configuration, 3-44

memory allocation parameters

(table), 3-45

stopping and starting

programmatically, 7-8

BridgeVIEW environment, 2-1

Engine Manager, 2-12
G programming language
online help, 2-23
Project menu items (table), 2-10
system errors and events, 2-15
Tag Browser utility, 2-16
Tag Monitor, 2-18

BridgeVIEW server, 3-6
BridgeVIEW System Log file, 2-14
BridgeVIEW VI Library

Alarms and Events VIs, A-4

Acknowledge Alarm, A-5
effect on startup and shutdown, 4-24
Get Alarm Summary Status, A-6
locating, A-4
purpose and use, 4-16, 4-20
Read Alarm Summary, A-7
Read Event History, A-11
Read Tag Alarm, A-15

error handling, A-1

errors not reported by BridgeVIEW

Engine, A-1

errors reported by BridgeVIEW

Engine, A-1

Historical Data VIs, A-17

Call HTV, A-18
Decimate Historical Trend, A-20
Decimate Historical Trends, A-21
Get Historical Tag List, 6-4, A-23
Get Historical Trend Info, A-24
Historical Trend Statistics, 6-7, A-25
Historical Trends to

Spreadsheet, A-27

Historical Trends to Spreadsheet

File, A-29

locating, A-17
Read Historical Trend, A-31
Read Historical Trends, 6-4, A-33