National Instruments BridgeVIEW User Manual

Page 447

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BridgeVIEW User Manual


© National Instruments Corporation

operator interface panel

controlling visibility, 7-7

Operator Interface Security, 7-22

controlling visibility attributes, 7-23
limiting user access to operator interface

panels, 7-23


Panel G Wizard, 7-1

how to use, 7-2

panel size and visibility, controlling, 7-6
password, changing, 7-16
path control, 15-6
Pause/Continue button, 2-3
pi constant, 14-7
polled programming, implementing, 4-27
polymorphism, 14-17
pop-up menus

Object pop-up menu tool, 2-5
popping up on objects, 2-6

Positioning tool, 2-4
Post System Error or Event VI, A-43
printing alarms and events, 5-13

configuration, 5-10


See access levels and privileges.

Privileges dialog box, 7-16
Probe tool, 2-4, 9-22
program design, 16-1

See also G programming language.
good diagram style, 16-4

avoid overuse of Sequence

structures, 16-8

checking for errors, 16-5
common operations, 16-4
left-to-right layouts, 16-5
studying examples, 16-8

planning ahead with connector

panes, 16-3

adding extra unconnected

terminals, 16-3

subVIs with required inputs, 16-4

top-down design, 16-1

designing VI hierarchy, 16-1
list of user requirements, 16-1
writing the program, 16-3

Programmatic Login VI, A-50
Programmatic Logout VI, A-51
Project menu, 2-10

Historical Trend Viewer, 2-10
Launch Engine, 2-11
Security»Access Levels, 2-11
Security»Change Password, 2-11
Security»Edit User Accounts, 2-11
Security»Login, 2-11
Security»Logout, 2-11
Security»Privileges, 2-11
Server Tools»Server Browser, 2-11
Tag»Browser, 2-12
Tag»Configuration, 2-12
Tag»Monitor, 2-12

project menu, 2-10
Property Node, 15-6


Random Number function

Attribute Node, 13-4
For Loop, 11-23
shift register, 11-14

Read Alarm Summary VI, A-7
Read Event History VI, A-11
Read Historical Trend VI, A-31
Read Historical Trends VI

example, 6-6
purpose and use, A-33

Read Tag VI, A-54
Read Tag (bit array) VI, A-56
Read Tag (discrete) VI, A-58