National Instruments BridgeVIEW User Manual

Page 431

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© National Instruments Corporation


BridgeVIEW User Manual


The person who initiates and monitors the operation of a process.

output tag

A tag that sends values to a device server whenever it is updated in the
Real-Time Database.



A display of pictures that represent possible options.

Panel G Wizard

A utility in BridgeVIEW that automates the process of creating front panel

Panel window

VI window that contains the front panel, the execution palette and the
icon/connector pane.


See Proportional Integral Derivative Control.


See Programmable Logic Control.


A method of sequentially observing each I/O point or user interface control
to determine if it is ready to receive data or request computer action.

pop up

To call up a special menu by clicking, usually on an object, with the right
mouse button.

pop-up menus

Menus accessed by popping up, usually on an object. Menu options pertain
to that object specifically.

positioning tool

Tool used to move and resize objects. Resembles an arrow.

Programmable Logic
Control (PLC)

A device with multiple inputs and outputs that contains a program you can
alter. BridgeVIEW Device Servers establish communication with PLCs.

Proportional Integral
Derivative (PID) Control

A combination of proportional, integral, and derivative control actions.
Refers to a control method in which the controller output is proportional to
the error, its time history, and the rate at which it is changing. The error is
the difference between the observed and desired values of a variable that is
under control action.


Simplified language-independent representation of programming code.