How do you export a list of users to a file, How do you modify the list of available user, Access levels? -19 – National Instruments BridgeVIEW User Manual

Page 187: How do you export a list of users to a file? -19

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Chapter 7

Advanced Application Topics

© National Instruments Corporation


BridgeVIEW User Manual

example, change the access level of several accounts to be the same value),
hold down the key when selecting users from the list.


Once you have defined user accounts, you must have at least one “super user”
account (Access Level 255, privileges to Create/Edit user Accounts and Configure
User Privileges), unless you remove all user accounts.


You only can add, remove, or modify accounts if you have the Create/Edit User
Accounts privilege. Also, unless you are a “super user,” you can only create,
remove, or edit user accounts that have an access level lower than your own. If you
are not authorized to configure user privileges, default privileges are assigned to
new user accounts.

How Do You Modify the List

of Available User Access Levels?

To edit the list of access levels, select Project»Security»Access Levels.
You must have Administration privileges to edit the list of Access Levels.
Click the Edit… button next to the list of access levels. The Edit Access
dialog box appears, in which you can add, remove, and modify
access levels. You also can edit access levels within the Edit User
dialog box by pressing the Edit Access Levels button, or
choosing New… from the Access Level ring when creating or modifying
a user account. In addition to the two permanent access levels 0 and 255,
you can assign up to 254 access levels for use in your operator interface
panels. If you remove an access level, users who have been assigned that
access level are demoted to the next lower access level.


You can rename, but not remove, access levels 0 and 255.

How Do You Export a List of Users to a File?

You can export a list of users to binary or text files. Text files contain only
the user name, access level, and privileges. To export all user account
information, including passwords, you must export to a binary file.

To export the user list to a text file, click the Export User List… button
or select File»Export»Text File…. You can export to tab-delimited or
comma-delimited text files. For a description of how privileges are
exported, see the

How Do You Import a List of Users from a File?

section later in this chapter.

To export a list of users to a binary file, choose File»Export»Binary
. Exporting a list of users to a binary file is useful for distributing
your list of users to other computers. The advantage of using a binary