Scsi channel throughput report – Sun Microsystems Virtual Tape Library User Manual
Page 230
VTL User Guide • May 2008
G • 96267
SCSI channel throughput report
iscon createscsichannelthroughputreport -s
iscon createscsichannelthroughputreport --server-name=
This command creates a report that displays the throughput values for a specific
SCSI/Fibre channel.
‐t (‐‐adapter‐no) is required in order to identify the requested SCSI/Fibre Channel
‐z (‐‐report‐period) is the period of time that the report should cover. The accepted
values are:
t ‐ today
y ‐ yesterday
7 ‐ last seven days
30 ‐ last thirty days
‐D (‐‐date‐range) is the starting date and ending date in the following format
(maximum 30 days):
Either ‐z (‐‐report‐period) or ‐D (‐‐date‐range) can be specified, but not both. The
date option is applied to the server local time. The default value is: ʺ‐z tʺ (today).
‐o (‐‐output‐file) is the file name used to save the report data. If the output filename
is not specified, the default filename is: SCSIChannelThroughput‐server‐MM‐DD‐
[.#] is the additional suffix when there is a duplicate.
Specify the ‐f (‐‐force) option if you want to overwrite the existing file if the output
file already exists.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds
for the RPC timeout. The default RPC timeout is 300 seconds.