Create standalone tape drive – Sun Microsystems Virtual Tape Library User Manual
Page 196
Virtual devices / Clients
VTL User Guide • May 2008
G • 96267
‐L (‐‐tape‐library‐vid) is required to specify the virtual tape library to add the virtual
tape drive(s).
‐r (‐‐vdrive‐name‐prefix) is an option to specify the prefix of the virtual tape drive.
The default prefix is in the format of
‐R (‐‐num‐of‐drives) is optional, the default is 1 if it is not specified.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds
for the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time
specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 300 seconds.
Create standalone tape drive
iscon createstandalonedrive -s
[-D -I
iscon createstandalonedrive --server-name=
This command creates a standalone virtual tape drive.
‐d (‐‐vdrive‐type) is required to specify the type of tape drive to be created in the
following format:
‐r (‐‐vdrive‐name‐prefix) is an option to specify the prefix of the virtual drive. The
default prefix is in the format of
‐R (‐‐num‐of‐drives) can be specified to create multiple drives of the same type. The
default is 1 if it is not specified. The maximum number of drives is 10.
‐D (‐‐capacity‐on‐demand) is an option to expand the virtual tape when needed. The
default is to create the virtual tape with the maximum capacity if it is not specified.
‐I (‐‐initial‐size) and ‐C (‐‐increment‐size) are options to be specified with
size> cannot be less than 5 GB.
‐m (‐‐max‐capacity) is an option to specify the maximum capacity of the virtual tape.
The maximum capacity configured for the specified type of virtual tape drive will be
used if it is not specified.