Set tape properties – Sun Microsystems Virtual Tape Library User Manual
Page 201
Virtual devices / Clients
96267 • G
Appendix A VTL command line reference
iscon setvirtuallibrarytapeduplication --server-name=
This command sets the Tape Duplication property for a virtual tape library.
‐v (‐‐vdevid) is required in order to identify the virtual library.
‐Z (‐‐tape‐duplication) is required in order to enable or disable the Tape Duplication
property: on (enable) or off (disable).
‐Q (‐‐num‐of‐copies) is an option to specify the number of copies to be made using
the same barcode if tape duplication option is enabled. The maximum value is 5. The
default value is 1.
The virtual library must have the Auto Archive or Tape Caching property enabled in
order to enable tape duplication.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 seconds for
the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time
specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 30 seconds.
Set tape properties
iscon settapeproperty -s
[-M <#[D|H|M]>] ] [-k
iscon settapeproperty --server-name=
[--auto-eject-to-ie] | --auto-replication=
[--delay-delete-time=<#[D|H|M]>] ] [--key-name=
--disable-key] [--tape-duplication=