Promote a replica, Remove replication – Sun Microsystems Virtual Tape Library User Manual
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Appendix A VTL command line reference
Promote a replica
iscon promotereplica -s
iscon promotereplica --server-name=
This command allows you to promote a replica to a regular virtual device if the
primary disk is available and the replica disk is in a valid state.
Specify either the primary server and the source virtual tape ID or the target server
and the tape replica ID. The user name and password must be provided for both
servers, if the servers were not registered using the login command.
‐v (‐‐vdevid) is the ID of the source virtual tape and ‐V (‐‐replicaid) is the ID of the
tape replica.
If the source virtual tape is still valid and available, and the tape replica is in an
invalid state, the tape replica can be promoted with the force option. But, it is
recommended to synchronize the tape replica with the source virtual tape first
unless the source virtual tape is physically defective or unavailable.
‐f (‐‐force) is an option to enforce the promotion if the source virtual tape is no
longer available or the tape replica is in invalid state, if you are sure the data on the
tape replica is useful.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds
for the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time
specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 30 seconds.
Remove replication
iscon removereplication -s
iscon removereplication --server-name=