Sun Microsystems Virtual Tape Library User Manual
Page 168
VTL User Guide • May 2008
G • 96267
23. In the object tree of the VTL console, right‐click the restarted server node,
, and select Failover > Stop Takeover from the context menu.
24. Open a terminal window on the management host, and again ssh to the
management (“server”) IP address of the restarted node, VTLPLUSN1:
where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnx is the as‐configured IP address of the restarted node, and
is the VTL administrator account user ID.
25. Make sure that you are logged in to the actual, restarted node:
The system should display the expected node name.
26. If you are not logged in to the correct system, you may have accidently logged into
the service IP address of the other node rather than the management (“server”)
address. Close the telnet session, and telnet to the other IP address for the
restarted node.
27. Change to the directory that holds the VTL executables:
]user# ssh vtladmin@nn.nnn.nnn.nnx
Connecting to nnn.nnn.nnn.nnx ...
]vtladmin# uname -a
SunOS VTLPLUSN1 n.nn Generic_nnnnnn-nn i86pc i386 i86pc
]vtladmin# cd /usr/local/vtl/bin