Get supported virtual libraries – Sun Microsystems Virtual Tape Library User Manual
Page 192
Virtual devices / Clients
VTL User Guide • May 2008
G • 96267
‐v (‐‐vdevid) is required to specify the virtual device ID.
A virtual device cannot be deleted if any of the following conditions apply:
The specified virtual device is a virtual tape library or a virtual tape drive and
there are clients currently connected to the library or drive.
The specified virtual device is a virtual tape configured for replication, unless the
‐f (‐‐force) option is used.
The specified virtual device is the only existing virtual tape drive in the parent
virtual tape library.
‐d (‐‐delete‐virtual‐tapes) is an option to delete all of the existing virtual tapes from
a virtual tape library, a standalone virtual tape drive, or a loaded virtual tape drive
selected for deletion. By default, the virtual tapes are moved to the vault, or, if a
loaded virtual tape drive is selected, back to the library.
‐f (‐‐force) is an option to force the deletion of a virtual tape configured for
replication. The corresponding virtual tape replica will not be deleted or promoted.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 seconds for
the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time
specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 30 seconds.
Get supported virtual libraries
iscon getsupportedvlibs -s
[-l [-t
iscon getsupportedvlibs --server-name=
[--longlist [--vlib-type=
This command retrieves information about all supported virtual tape libraries.
‐l (‐‐longlist) can be specified to get the supported library information in a long
format. The default is to display the information in a list format.
‐t (‐‐vlib‐type) is an option with the ‐l (‐‐longlist) option to get the detail library
information for a specific library. The format for the
‐c (‐‐compatible‐drive‐list) is an option to display the compatible drives in a tabular
format instead of the default long format.
‐M (‐‐output‐delimiter) can also be specified with the ‐l (‐‐longlist) option to replace
the linefeed with the specified delimiter. The maximum length of the delimiter is 8.