Updating the firmware, To update the firmware, To update the firmware” on – Sun Microsystems Sun Fire X4150 User Manual
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Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
Updating the Firmware
You can use CLI to update the SP firmware. Updating the ELOM from the command
line enables you to update both the SP firmware and the BIOS at the same time. If
you are using the CLI to update the firmware, a TFTPServer is required.
To Update the Firmware
Caution –
Power interruptions during the update process could leave the SP in a
unbootable or nonrecoverable state. Before upgrading your firmware, ensure that
you have reliable power and protect against accidental power interruptions.
Note –
The upgrade takes about 5 minutes to complete, depending on network
traffic. During this time, no other tasks can be performed in the Embedded Lights
Out Manager software.
1. Copy the combined image from the Tools and Driver CD to your TFTP server.
The image is located in the /remoteflash directory.
2. If the server OS is running, perform a clean shutdown.
3. Log in to the CLI and change to the TftpUpdate directory:
/SP ->cd TftpUpdate
Note –
A network failure during the file upload will result in a timeout. This causes
the SP to reboot with the prior version of the firmware.
4. Enter the following command to set the IP address of the TFTP server:
/SP/TftpUpdate -> set ServerIP=
n.n.n.n The server IP address.
5. Enter the following command to set the file name of the combined bmc.bios
/SP/TftpUpdate ->set Filename=x4150-10_3A01
a. To update the firmware, enter one of the following commands: