Siemens CP 1515 User Manual
Page 274
Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
A security feature for Access Point RLM and SIMATIC NET IWL
stations that enables you to encrypt data that is transmitted via the
wireless medium.
SIMATIC NET IWL products are optionally available with a factory-
installed encryption chip that is based the WEP encryption algorithm.
To use encryption in your wireless network, all SIMATIC NET IWL
stations and access points must have the encryption feature installed
and set to ‘Enable’. All Radio Link Modules and SIMATIC NET IWL
devices in the network environment must use the same encryption
The encryption key consists of 16 hexadecimal numbers in the range
0-9, A-F. The second digit of each pair must be even (0,2,4,6,8,A,C,E).
A network configuration that has the scale of a corporate LAN. This
type of network may include network segments in different
departments, interconnected by means of bridges and routers. When
the network comprises gateways, routers or bridges, each network
device must be identified by a unique IP address. The network may
extend to wireless networking in different buildings, where the
buildings are connected by a wired link, e.g. a leased line.