Siemens CP 1515 User Manual
Page 256
Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
The local software file (“wpntxxx.bin”) will now import the configuration
settings and save these to the software (binary) file. The software file will
now be overwritten by the new software file. This does not influence the
functionality of the software file. For more information see
Software, a Look under the Hood (page 261)
When you want to preserve the original software file, make a back-up
copy of this file.
11. You are again prompted to confirm the “Reload of the Remote System”
Check the list of parameters displayed thoroughly to make sure all
settings are right.
If the pop-up window does not display the correct IP address and/or
SNMP passwords, click
to cancel.
If the IP address and/or SNMP passwords are correct, click
to proceed. 12. The RLM Manager program will upload the new (restored) configuration to your RLM and load it into the FlashROM. :$51,1* ! 7KH 5/0 ZLOO UHERRW DQG VWDUW EULGJLQJ RSHUDWLRQ LQ DSSUR[LPDWHO\ VHFRQGV