FUJITSU DL3750+/3850+ User Manual
Page 252

User's Manual
Setup mode
changing configuration options ............... 5–40
changing hardware options ...................... 5–29
changing MENU1 and 2 options .............. 5–14
changing print position
adjustment options ............................... 5–35
changing top-of-form ............................... 5–39
DPL24C PLUS flowchart ........................... 5–57
entering ...................................................... 5–2
example ....................................................... 5–6
exiting ....................................................... 5–48
online ........................................................ 5–62
overview of ................................................. 5–4
saving settings ......................................... 5–48
single sheet fine adjust (CUTFINE) .......... 5–36
summary ..................................................... 5–7
Setup options
adjustment options ................................... 5–35
Alternate Graphics Mode (AGM) ............. 5–24
attributes (ATTRIB) ................................. 5–18
buffer (BUFFER) ....................................... 5–30
buzzer ON/OFF (BUZZER) ....................... 5–30
carriage return (CR) .................................. 5–25
character height (CHAR-H) ...................... 5–18
character set (CHR-SET) .......................... 5–24
character width (CHAR-W) ...................... 5–17
detection of end of forms (CONT-PE) ....... 5–44
emulation (EMULATE) ............................. 5–15
fine adjust (CNTFINE) top of forms,
continuous form ................................... 5–36
fine adjust left position (CNT-LFT),
continuous form ................................... 5–37
fonts (FONT) ............................................ 5–15
hardware options ...................................... 5–29
interface (INTRFCE) ................................. 5–31
language (LANGUGE) .............................. 5–21
left end of page (LFT-END) ...................... 5–19
line feed (LF) ............................................ 5–25
line spacing (LINE SP) .............................. 5–17
line spacing adjust (CUT-ADJ), single sheet ................ 5–37
list of selected options ............................. 5–10
lock function of setup mode (LOCK) ........ 5–43
MENU1 and MENU2 options ................... 5–14
page length (PAGE LG) ............................. 5–19
paper-out response (PPR-OUT) ............... 5–29
perforation skip (PRF-SKP) ...................... 5–24
pitch ......................................................... 5–17
print direction (PRT-DIR) .......................... 5–30
print quality .............................................. 5–16
Select/Deselect commands (DC3-CDE) .... 5–25
setting of printing speed
change processing (SKIP-PR) .............. 5–45
setting of priority on TOF control
(TOF-CTL) ........................................... 5–46
setting of reducing backward
line feeds (BANDCTL) .......................... 5–45
setting of retracting control,
continuous form (CUT-CTL) ................. 5–44
setting of the asynchronous
status function (STATUS) .................... 5–45
setting ribbon protective control,
continuous form ................................... 5–44
single sheet top of form (CUT-ORG) ........ 5–36
status after loading paper in offline mode
(ON-LORD) ........................................... 5–43
tear-off (TEAROFF) .................................. 5–40
tear-off enable time (TEAR-EN) ................ 5–41
tear-off position (TEARPOS) .................... 5–41
top margin (TOP-MRG) ............................ 5–20
top of form (CNT-ORG), cntinuous form .. 5–36
top-of-form ............................................... 5–39
word length (WORD-LG) .......................... 5–30
zero with a slash (ZEROFNT) ................... 5–24
Shadow printing ............................................ 5–18
Shipping restraint cardboard, removing .......... 2–4
Single sheet
loading ....................................................... 3–5