Saving your edits – Arturia KeyStep Pro Keyboard with Advanced Sequencer and Arpeggiator User Manual

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5.3.9. Saving your edits

It's important to understand how the KeyStep Pro handles your Pattern edits. Whenever you

are working on a Pattern, it is held in working memory. If you switched off the KeyStep

Pro during the edit process and restarted it, your project would be empty and all your hard

work would be lost. To store it permanently in internal memory, you need to save it. It's

easy to check which patterns need to be saved: just press Save + Pattern. The step buttons

corresponding to all modified and unsaved Patterns will light up in red.

To save a single Pattern:

• Hold down Save and press Pattern. Previously saved Patterns will blink in blue;

Patterns with unsaved edits will blink in red.

• Press the red-lit step button of the Pattern you want to save.

If there is more than one Pattern with unsaved changes:

• Hold down Save and press Pattern. Previously saved Patterns will blink in blue;

Patterns with unsaved edits will blink in red.

• Keep the Save button held down and press the red-lit step buttons of all the

Patterns you want to save.

• Press Exit to exit the Save process.

A shortcut for saving unsaved Patterns is to hold down Save and press the Track button of

the active track to save all its Patterns in one operation.

!: As you may already have guessed, a quick way to check whether the Patterns you are working

on contain unsaved changes is to hold down the Save button. The step buttons of Patterns that contain
unsaved changes will light up in red.

Arturia - User Manual Keystep Pro - Making Tracks