Copy, paste & erase (steps), Copy steps, Paste steps – Arturia KeyStep Pro Keyboard with Advanced Sequencer and Arpeggiator User Manual
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5.3.7. Copy, Paste & Erase (Steps)
Copy and paste operations are the core of the creative process. Music of almost any genre
consists of basic patterns and variations of them. In this section, we'll discuss copying and
pasting of steps. To learn how to copy/paste at Pattern level, refer to
. Copy Steps
Each step in your Pattern holds a lot of data on Pitch, Gate, Velocity, Time Shift and
Randomness. It also holds data on whether this step should be played or skipped in each
of the four pages of the Pattern. When you copy a step to a new location, all of this data is
copied with it. The same is true when you nudge a step backward or forward in time.
To copy a step, hold down the Copy button and press one or more step buttons to select it/
them. The step or steps you have selected for copying will light up in blue. The OLED display
will show the message: "Step(s) Copied".
: If you copy a range of steps that include one or more steps with data and one or more empty
steps, their precise configuration is retained when you paste them; in other words, the empty steps are
pasted along with the steps that contain data and their
relative positions are unchanged. Destination
steps with data will systematically be overwritten, even if the steps you paste into them are empty! Paste Steps
Once you've performed a copy operation, you can repeatedly paste the selected step or
steps that you copied.
Holding down Paste and pressing a step button will paste the step or steps you selected
during copy at that location, either in the current Pattern or in another Pattern, including
a Pattern on another track. If you copied multiple adjacent steps, they will be pasted in
the same order, starting from that location. If you copied multiple non-adjacent steps, they
will be pasted with the gap(s) between them retained. In other words, the step or steps in
between them in the destination pattern will not be overwritten.
You can even paste across the boundaries of a page: if the steps you are pasting do not fit
on the current page, the steps that do not fit will extend into the next page. For example, if
you paste 12 steps to the last position of page 1 (step 16), 11 of those steps will be pasted into
steps 17-27 of page 2.
The display will show the message: "Step(s) Pasted"
If Track 1 is in Drum mode, and steps were copied from a drum track, they can be pasted
onto another Drum track. However, it is not possible to paste from Drum to Seq or from Seq
to Drum.
: You can repeat paste as many times as you want, as long as you do not perform a new copy
operation. If you do, the old contents of the copy buffer will be overwritten.
Arturia - User Manual Keystep Pro - Making Tracks