Arturia KeyStep Pro Keyboard with Advanced Sequencer and Arpeggiator User Manual
Page 177

Here's an overview of the KeyStep Pro's default MIDI CC#'s:
Encoder/Strip Parameter
Time Shift
Pitch Bend
Looper Touch Strip
In this example, we'll configure the KeyStep Pro's encoders to control the ASDR envelope
generator in the VCV Rack demo patch. This procedure assumes that you already have the
KeyStep Pro and VCV Rack connected as at the end of the previous example.
Our goal now is to get the KeyStep Pro to control the ADSR envelope generator in VCV Rack.
• In VCV Rack, right-click anywhere in the empty space in the rack. The 'Module
Select' window will open. Type "MIDI" in the grey search box at the top left and
select the MIDI-CC module. This module gets added to the patch
• In the MIDI-CC module, click in the middle menu on "(no device)" and select
"Arturia KeyStep Pro"
• You now have a 4x4 table of 16 CC#'s (numbered from 0 to 15) – the
– available to assign parameters from the KeyStep Pro to parameters of
VCV Rack modules. Below the connection field, you'll see 16 patch points (outputs)
that relate to the entries in the connection field
• Click on the "0", the first entry in the connection field, and the zero will turn into
two faint dashes
• Move the Pitch encoder on the KeyStep Pro, and the MIDI-CC module will now
display "74" as the first entry of the connection field. This is the default CC#
(Control Change number) of the Pitch encoder
• Repeat this to make the Gate encoder (CC 75) the second entry of the connection
field, the Velocity encoder (CC 76) the third entry, and the Time Shift encoder (CC
77) as the fourth entry.
Now connect by click and drag:
• The first patch point on the MIDI-CC module to the CV input of the Attack (ATT)
of the ADSR,
• The second patch point to the CV input of the Decay (DEC) of the ADSR,
• The third patch point to the CV input of the Sustain (SUS) of the ADSR, and
• The fourth patch point to the CV input of the Release (REL) of the ADSR.
That's it: you have successfully assigned four encoders to the ADSR module of VCV Rack!
From now on, whatever encoder changes you make on the KeyStep Pro will be mirrored
in VCV Rack. To hear the effect, on the KeyStep Pro press the Arp button, play a chord and
tweak the main encoders at will.
You may have guessed by now that the MIDI-CC module of VCV Rack is a very useful tool
for figuring out which CC# messages are currently being sent by the encoders. Just click on
one of the 16 entries in the connection field and then move an encoder on the KeyStep Pro.
Its CC# (Control Change number) will be displayed by the MIDI-CC module.
Arturia - User Manual Keystep Pro - KeyStep Pro and your Modular system