Control mode as daw automation, Using cc# patterns to store and playback cc values – Arturia KeyStep Pro Keyboard with Advanced Sequencer and Arpeggiator User Manual

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8.2. Control Mode as DAW Automation

Without a doubt, Control mode is one of the most exciting features of the KeyStep Pro. If

you've already used a DAW such as Ableton, Cubase, Logic or Reaper you are familiar with

automation lanes. In the KeyStep Pro, a track in Control mode is the equivalent of a DAW

automation lane.

In the KeyStep Pro, a normal sequencer Pattern is used to store notes (pitches) and

velocities (the force or speed with which you hit individual keys). In Control mode, however,

a CC# Pattern is used to store encoder positions. It gets played back as a 'ghost' sequence

in parallel with the sequences of notes stored in normal Patterns. A CC# Pattern can

control external encoder/knob positions by transmitting MIDI CC# messages with values

that external synths and modular systems, or virtual instruments loaded in your DAW, can

recognise and respond to correctly.

8.2.1. Using CC# Patterns to Store and Playback CC Values

With a track of the KeyStep Pro in Control mode, the Patterns you create will act as DAW

automation lanes. You can store CC# values in them that will control parameters on external

MIDI devices.

If you know the CC# of a synth's knob, you can use that CC# to control that parameter. In

the Utility menu, simply define one of the main encoders to send that CC# out to the synth

and then fill the steps in the CC# Pattern with CC values to control the movements of the

synth's knob.

CC# messages are thus the MIDI equivalent of turning knobs. The MicroFreak, currently one

of the most popular Arturia Synthesizers, has very sonically interesting CC# control options:

turn the Analog Filter Cutoff knob on the MicroFreak and its cutoff frequency will change.

Sending a sequence of MIDI CC 23 messages with varying values to the MicroFreak will

have the same effect: sending CC 23 with a value of 0 closes the analog filter completely;

sending CC 23 with a value of 127 opens it fully. The MicroFreak has a total of 20 different

CC#'s that are available to control its parameters.

Arturia - User Manual Keystep Pro - Control Mode