With external devices, With an ipad, ... with external devices – Arturia KeyStep Pro Keyboard with Advanced Sequencer and Arpeggiator User Manual
Page 28: ...with an ipad

4.1.2. ... with External Devices
As shown above, you can connect the KeyStep Pro to a variety of synths, drum machines
and/or Eurorack modules.
• When connecting to a synth, use one of the two MIDI Out ports. If you need to
connect more than two synths, you can daisy-chain them: connect the KeyStep
Pro to the MIDI In of the first synth and then connect the MIDI Thru of that synth
to the MIDI In of the second synth, etc. Daisy-chaining allows you to connect as
many as 16 synths to one MIDI Out
• An increasing number of modern synths have both MIDI Ins and Analog Ins, for
example the Arturia MiniBrute 2 and MiniBrute 2S. They enable you to use a mix
of MIDI and analog connections
• When connecting to a drum machine such as the Arturia DrumBrute, you have
two options: MIDI Out only or a mix of MIDI and Analog Outs. The KeyStep Pro
has eight analog drum-trigger outputs (Drum Gates) that you can play with the
lower eight keys of the KeyStep Pro keyboard
• If you have a Eurorack system, you can connect the KeyStep Pro's four Voice
outputs to various Eurorack inputs. Please refer to
for examples
of how to set up these connections.
4.1.3. ...with an iPad®
Add a camera connection kit and the KeyStep Pro becomes the perfect companion for
an iPad. This enables it to be used as a controller for Arturia's iMini, iSem or iProphet
applications, for example.
If you have an iPad but don't already own those great virtual instruments, please take a
look at them on our website! They are very affordable and live up to Arturia's reputation for
accurately modelling the sound of analog synthesizers with warmth and precision.
As you can see, KeyStep Pro can be the controlling hub of some amazing systems!
Arturia - User Manual Keystep Pro - KeyStep Pro Overview