Step button shift functions – Arturia KeyStep Pro Keyboard with Advanced Sequencer and Arpeggiator User Manual
Page 60 Step Button SHIFT Functions
When you hold 'Shift', the steps will dim. This allows you to see the effect of the Shift
functions when modifying a step’s position with Nudge, Invert or Randomise Order.
Clr Ptn (Clear Pattern)
For the currently active pattern, this function clears all steps, resets the sequence length
to the default 16 steps and restores all other default settings: 1/16th straight-note speed,
Forward seq mode, Poly mode, Chromatic scale. Clearing a Drum pattern clears all 24 drum
tracks simultaneously.
Clr Steps (Clear Steps)
For the currently active pattern, Clr Steps clears all steps but keeps everything else
unchanged. When applied to a Drum sequence, it will clear only the selected drum track.
‹Nudge shifts the currently active pattern to the left. All steps on all pages of the Pattern will
shift to the left. It works both with sequencer patterns and drum patterns. In Drum mode, it
will only affect the currently selected drum track.
Nudge> shifts the currently active pattern to the right. All steps on all pages of the Pattern will
shift to the right. It works both with sequencer patterns and drum patterns. In Drum mode it
will only affect the currently selected drum track.
Invert inverts the order of the steps in the current pattern. The last steps in the pattern will
become the first and the first the last. Invert acts on the currently active step groups. If your
pattern is two pages long, the last steps on page two will become the first steps on page
Semi Down
This function is for intelligent semitone (half step) downward transposition of the current
sequence. It's intelligent because the transpose function takes the current scale setting into
Semi Up
This function is for intelligent semitone (half step) upward transposition of the current
sequence. Again, it's intelligent because the transpose function takes the current scale
setting into account.
Oct (Octave) Down
Transposes the current pattern one octave down.
Oct (Octave) Up
Transposes the current pattern one octave up.
Arturia - User Manual Keystep Pro - KeyStep Pro Overview