Arturia KeyStep Pro Keyboard with Advanced Sequencer and Arpeggiator User Manual
Page 33 Tutorial 1: Using MIDI to Control Arturia's MINI V
VST synth
In this tutorial we will use the KeyStep Pro to control the filter cut-off frequency of Arturia's
MINI V VST synth. The MINI V is part of Arturia's V Collection, a great series of software
emulations of classic hardware synths.
Even if you don't own the MINI V, you can still follow this tutorial. Just download the demo
version from
features the MINI V, it can be used to learn how to control any knob on any VST synth from
Arturia's V Collection that you want to set up to receive MIDI.
• Connect the KeyStep Pro's USB Out to your computer's USB In. Load either the
standalone or the DAW-based VST version of the MINI V
• In the MINI V user interface, open the Arturia system menu in the top left and
select 'Audio Midi Settings'. Under 'MIDI Devices', select the Arturia KeyStep Pro.
: 'MIDI Devices' is only visible when a KeyStep Pro is connected to your computer via USB.
• Next, click on the MIDI symbol in the top right of the Main Menu. The knobs on
the MINI V will now be highlighted in red or purple.
• Click on the Cutoff Frequency knob in the Filter section of the MINI V. Tweak the
Filter knob on the KeyStep Pro. The Cutoff Frequency knob of the MINI V should
now respond to your knob movements.
Arturia - User Manual Keystep Pro - KeyStep Pro Overview