Interlogix TruVision Navigator 5.0 User Manual User Manual
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Chapter 4: TruVision Navigator Settings
TruVision Navigator 5.0 Service Pack 3 User Manual
Diagnostic Polling service, right-click on the TruVision Navigator Server node and select
Properties. The Settings dialog will appear with the Server tab selected.
Figure 77: Server Properties Window
From the Health Diagnostics Tab, enter the Diagnostic Polling Start Time and Interval.
Enter the retention period for the length of time to keep the health diagnostic polling data
in the database and click OK. Finally, restart the Diagnostic Polling service from the
Services dialog for the automated polling to begin. Remember, if any of these values
are changed, please restart the Diagnostic Polling service via the Services dialog for the
changes to take affect. (restarting the service in services dialog is only required on
client/server type installations.)
Once manual snapshots or automated health diagnostic data has been captured, that
data is stored in the TruVision Navigator database. That data is now searchable by
users to aid in maintaining up-time of the system.
Remember if you are searching in the Navigator for health diagnostic information and no
results can be found, you most likely have not setup your automated polling or run a
manual diagnostic against a single device.