Notifications and notifier – Interlogix TruVision Navigator 5.0 User Manual User Manual
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Chapter 4: TruVision Navigator Settings
TruVision Navigator 5.0 Service Pack 3 User Manual
Notifications and Notifier
Devices have the ability to push notifications out to an IP Address and port for proactive
issue resolution. These notifications typically include alarm, video loss, motion, etc...
See the device-specific chapters for what notifications are supported per device.
In order to receive notifications from devices in TruVision Navigator, there are
configurations that need to be made at both the device and TruVision Navigator service-
Device configuration - each device must be set up to push its available notifications to
the IP Address and port of where the Notification Services are located. See the device-
specific chapters for detailed instructions per device.
TruVision Navigator Service configuration - the Notification Service settings must be
configured to listen on that same port for those notifications.
Routers and firewalls may have to be configured accordingly to allow for this
traffic. Ensure that either the TCP Listener Port or the Email Listener Port (SMTP) on
the Notifications Tab of the TruVision Navigator Server Properties dialog matches
the port setup on the device itself.