Genii wmi wireless module interface – Innotech Genesis II Digital Controller (v5) User Manual
Page 24

Genesis II Installation Instructions
Page 24
© Mass Electronics Pty Ltd 2010
Edition 2.0 dated 06/12/2013
2-2.2.5 REM Wireless Sensor Modules
Wireless Temperature Sensor REMs increase the capability of a Genesis II System by allowing wireless
temperature sensor’s to interface with the digital controller. The use of Wireless Temperature Sensor
REMs is facilitated through the Wireless Module Interface, with connects directly to the REM socked
on the digital controller.
GENII WMI Wireless Module Interface
The Wireless Module Interface can be located up to 600 metres from the host digital controller,
however the cable length joining the GENII WMI to the controller must not exceed 600 metres. The
maximum cable length can be increased through the use of Innotech Repeater IR11 module.
Up to 15 Wireless Temperature Sensor REMs can be wirelessly connected to a Wireless Module
Interface, and can be located up to 20 metres from the Wireless Module Interface.
The GENII WMI Wireless Module Interface is housed in a rectangular case made from flame resistant
Astrene M650 IR plastic in accordance with IEC695-2-1 (HD444-2-1) as of EN6355-1,A2 and IEC707 (AS/
Dimensions(max): 75mm(w) x 155mm(h) x 57mm(d)
DIN Rail Mounted
The GENII WMI should be mounted within a 20 metre radius (depending on obstructions) of all SENRx
modules (see below) from which it will be receiving data. The location should be dry, clean and free
of excess vibration. Below is an image of the GENII WMI Wireless Module Interface. Refer to Figure 2-8.
Do not install the GENII WMI inside a fully enclosed metal switchboard, as this may interfere with quality of the
wireless signal.
Figure 2-8: GenII WMI Wireless Module Interface