1.2 scope of this technical manual, Document chapters – Innotech Genesis II Digital Controller (v5) User Manual
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Genesis II Installation Instructions
© Mass Electronics Pty Ltd 2010
Chapter 1 – Preliminary Information
Some of the ancillary units included in the Genesis II System are (refer to the System Description
Manual for descriptions of these units):
• Several types of Remote Expansion Module (REM)
• Miscellaneous Ancillary Units
The purpose of this manual is to provide clear and complete instructions for all phases of the
installation of the units that comprise your Genesis II System. In order to provide the clearest
instructions possible with minimum confusion, instructions in this manual are based on the following
• For simplicity of explanation, installation instructions in this manual are based on the assumption
the system to be installed is a typical Genesis II System containing a single Genesis II Direct Digital
Controller and a selection of REMs.
• Specific information on the installation and wiring of ancillary units can be located in the
Datasheet and Product Paperwork associated with each device.
• Basic electrical wiring information is provided in the
chapter, and wiring
instructions for network systems is contained in the
1-1.2 Scope of this Technical Manual
This technical manual contains:
Chapter 1 -
Preliminary Information
Contains installation related information of a general nature such as
general safety considerations and pre-installation requirements.
Chapter 2 -
Contains instructions and related data to facilitate the mechanical
installation of components of the Genesis II System. It also includes
information such as physical descriptions of the units, mounting
dimensions and mechanical installation guidelines.
Chapter 3 -
Contains electrical wiring information useful for installation of a
basic “standalone” system. Chapter 3 is augmented by network
wiring information in Chapter 5 - Network Installation. Appropriate
references are provided between Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 for
installation of network wiring.
Chapter 4 -
Provides instructions for post-installation inspection and checkout
of the Genesis II System, power application and initial setup of the
various units that comprise the system.
Chapter 5 -
Provides detailed information for interconnecting various units in a
network configuration. This appendix should be used in conjunction
with Chapter 3 when network installation is involved. The two
electrical installation areas: Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 are purposely
separated from each other in the interest of clarity and to simplify the
use of this manual.
Table 1-1:
Document Chapters